Fundamentals of IFS


February 26 – June 25, 2025 (17 weeks)

51 CEs NBCC*

Fundamentals of the Internal Family Systems is a 17 week, online Internal Family Systems rooted course. In this learning experience, we will cover many of the fundamentals offered in the level 1 training with some augmentations. As the demand for IFS trainings has surpassed the availability to receive training through the IFS Institute, there is a need for additional avenues of learning that include the core elements of practice that are lacking in didactic only workshops.

Through didactic learning, demonstrations, and triad practice groups, participants will learn or expand on their learning of the key elements of IFS including: the qualities of different categories of parts, the healing capacity of Self energy, befriending protectors, and healing exiles through unburdening. Demonstrations and supervised practice groups will foster confidence in participants application of working with parts and Self in the inner world.

Course fulfills IFS requirement for “Ketamine enhanced IFS certification” (KIFS) through Concrescence.  Course is not affiliated with the IFS Institute and does replace IFSI Level 1 for their programming.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the fundamental components and trajectory of the Internal Family Systems model.
  • Identify categories of common parts and their distinguishing features.
  • Discover ways to embody Self energy as a resource for healing and clinician intuition.
  • Articulate and practice the process of unburdening.
  • Deepen your capacity to work with parts in the inner world.
  • Develop skills for supporting highly activated states in clients.
  • Practice skills in supervised triad groups.
  • Experience the model through demonstrations.


LPCA GA Hours Applied For–will update once approved

*Outspoken Counseling and Consulting Services has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7090. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Outspoken Counseling and Consulting Services is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

11 in stock



Didactic Videos to be viewed before meeting on Zoom.

Didactic Based Conversations: Wednesdays 10:30-12:00 am est

Practice Group Triads: Regular day and time chosen by participants and facilitator.


February 26: Introduction to IFS

March 5: Beginning 1

March 12, 19, 26: Beginning 2

Apr 2, 9, 16: Beginning 3

Apr 30, May 7, 14: Intermediate 1

May 21, 28, June 4: Intermediate 2

June 11, 18, 25: Intermediate 3

Module Descriptions

Introduction to IFS

This introductory workshop provides an overview of the IFS model, explores the fundamental concepts that undergird the practice, and describes the mindset and goals of IFS. We will begin to explore IFS as a therapy and a life practice. This workshop is ideal for those just beginning their learning journey.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the fundamental concepts of IFS.
  • Describe types of parts and a feature of Self.
  • Experience an initial exploration of your internal family system.


Self energy and Parts (Beginning 1)

Beginning 1 deepens our focus on the types, roles, and qualities of different parts. We will expand our awareness on how parts show up. Additionally, this course explores the quality and nature of Self energy and provides pathways to increase our felt sense of Self energy in our daily life and therapy room.

Learning Objectives:

  • Name the three primary categories of parts.
  • List and experience the qualities of Self energy.
  • Describe different channels or “languages” parts use to be known and ask for care.


Burdens and the Flow of IFS (Beginning 2)

Beginning 2 goes into greater depth on the nature and different forms of burdens found in the inner system. This course also lays out the flow and trajectory of the model providing a road map of this therapeutic practice. We will also begin to understand the model in terms of working through InSight or direct access.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain when to utilize InSight or direct access.
  • Describe different types of burdens and how they impact the overall system.
  • Understand the flow and trajectory of the IFS process.


Befriending Protectors (Beginning 3)

Beginning 3 centers on the protective parts within the internal family. Protectors offer tremendous skills for survival and gifts that can benefit our life when unburdened. Additionally, they play a pivotal role as caregivers or gatekeepers of those who hold our most tender wounds. Cultivating understanding and appreciation of the protective is essential for safe access to deeper work.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the overarching character of the parts in the protective system.
  • State common intentions and strategies utilized by protectors.
  • Learn how to befriend protective parts.
  • Identify therapist parts that are activated in the presence of client protectors.


Caring for Exiles: Intermediate 1

Intermediate 1 explores the nature and vulnerability of exiled parts within the internal family system. These tender well protected parts are the key to the healing process—a process that cannot be rushed or steps skipped. When we are able to care for, retrieve, and heal these parts, our internal family system shifts in profound ways. This workshop will teach the unburdening process.

Learning Objective:

  • Discuss common wounds and beliefs held by exiled parts.
  • Review the relationship between protectors and exiles.
  • Practice working with the unburdening process.


Dynamics of the Inner World (Intermediate 2)

Intermediate 2 explores common dynamics among parts in the inner world. Our internal world and our parts that reside within have their own sets of relationships and ways of working. When we can understand and appreciate the dynamics of the inner world, this work deepens and becomes almost cinematic. This course will explore these dynamics as well as go into more detail on uses of direct access and discuss mediated access.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize sequences of parts and how to work with them.
  • Dive more deeply into direct access skills.
  • Explore the inner ecology of the internal family system.


Cultivating Self-leadership (Intermediate 3)

The heart and soul of IFS is the presence and leadership within our personal internal family system. In fact, we our capacity to open and attune our awareness to our fully embodied, intuitive, wise Self energy is the magic of this practice. Intermediate 3 focuses on cultivating our awareness of Self energy so that we may be more able to offer it to the clinical process.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify personal embodied Self energy.
  • Heighten skills in recognizing qualities of Self in burdened parts.
  • Deepen awareness of the qualities of Self energy in internal and external systems.

Fundamentals of IFS
