Learning Objectives
Learn the fundamental components and trajectory of the Internal Family Systems model.
Identify features of IFS that pair well with altered states of consciousness therapy.
Discover the history and applicability of ketamine for mental health care.
Determine when ketamine treatment or ketamine assisted psychotherapy is an appropriate
referral or addition to treatment.
Articulate trajectory of the ketamine experience.
Assess readiness for ketamine therapy and how to maximize its benefits.
Deepen your capacity to support your clients through their ketamine experience.
Develop skills for altered state therapy.
Discuss the role of ethics, consent and building a strong therapeutic alliance in the context of altered consciousness therapy.
Day 1
10:00-11:15: Introductions, Opening Meditation, Sharing of Meditation
11:15-11:30: Break
11:30-1:00: Fundamentals of Ketamine, Limbic System as Map
1:00-2:00: Lunch
2:00-3:30: Key Skills 1&2 with Experiential Practice—1) Parts and Activation Map;
2) Embodied Self Energy
3:30-3:45: Break
3:45-6:00 Key Skills 3&4 with Experiential Practice—3) Archeology of the Inner World;
4) Embodying and Somatically Communicating Therapeutic Presence
Day 2
10:00-11:15: Check in, Question and Answer from Day 1; Arc of Ketamine Session
11:15-11:30: Break
11:30-1:00: Arc of Ketamine Session continued; Key Skills 5 with Experiential Practice—
5) Unblending
1:00-2:00: Lunch
2:00-5:30: KIFS Experiential 2 Tracks—Track 1) KIFS Demo; Track 2) Facilitated Dyad
Experience for those who choose and are medically cleared and approved
3:00-3:15ish Break taken between Pre-dosing IFS session and start of medicine phase.
5:30-6:00 Closing Circle
Day 3
10:00-1:30: KIFS Experiential 2 Tracks—Track 1) KIFS Demo; Track 2) Facilitated Dyad
Experience for those who choose and are medically cleared and approved
11:15-11:30: Break taken between Pre-dosing IFS session and start of medicine phase.
1:30-2:30: Lunch
2:30-4:00: Integration sharing circle
4:00-4:15: Break
4:15-6:00 Question and Answer with Physician; Concluding discussion, reflections,
questions; Closing Meditation